Hi Everyone,
Greeting from Las Vegas! Past 2 months, I learned so much about what America looks like. I selected some pictures of every city where I visited by this moving stuff, working at Air Force & traveling trip. A total of more than 50 hours and 3280 miles of driving was a LOT to me until arriving at Las Vegas but I couldn’t enjoy more. I visited 9 states or drove through 11 states. I visited a total of at least 7 states & 14 cities: 1) Ann Arbor & 2) Detroit, Michigan, 3) Columbus & 4) Cincinnati, Ohio, 5) Newport, Kentucky, 6) Bloomington & 7) Indianapolis, Indiana, 8) Kansas City Missouri, 9) Denver, 10) Buena Vista, 11) Colorado Springs & 12) Manitou Springs, Colorado, 13) Santa Fe & 14) Albuquerque, New Mexico!
I was able to meet so many friends in various areas and they let me stay in every place I visited, which was just so sweet. I feel that having friends make my life richer.
I’ve visited about 30 states and I can tell that I had different experiences, depending on what states I visited. From my experiences, I can see why people want to live in Denver Colorado so much, always ranked top city: beautiful nature, many shopping stores, big city but not crazy, weather, outdoor, and many others. I personally liked Ann Arbor MI, Santa Fe NM, and Colorado Spring CO where I would love to come back if the opportunity arises. Pictures are below!
Niagara Fall /ナイアガラの滝
Ann Arbor MI & Univ. of Michigan /ミシガン州アナーバ
Detroit MI / デトロイト
Columbus OH & The Ohio State Univ. / オハイオ州コロンブス
Cincinnati OH / オハイオ州シンシナティ
Newport KY / ケンタッキー州ニューポート
Bloomington IN & Indiana Univ. / インディアナ州ブルーミングトン
Indianapolis IN / インディアナ州インディアナポリス
Kansas City MO / ミズーリ州カンザスシティー
Kansas / カンザス州
Buena Vista CO / コロラド州ブエナビスタ
Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, & US Air Force CO / コロラド州
Santa Fe NM / ニューメキシコ州サンタフェ
Albuquerque NM / ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキ
My journey will be continued… See you guys in Vegas!
Thanks for reading until the end! -Hiro
You are a blessed man Hiro! You have visited more cities and states than
most Americans!
Brian McGuinness
Assistant Director
Doggett International Center
Springfield College
Office: 413-748-3206
Skype: brian.mcguinness90
Thanks Brian! I’ve visited more cities in States than in Japan…