

  • NASA(アメリカ航空宇宙局)のHuman Exploration Research Opportunities Research(研究評価者, 2020-2022)


  • Frontier in Psychology; Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; Brain and Behavior; International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Psychological Medicine; European Journal of Applied Physiology; European Journal of Sports Science; Instruction and Learning; Educational Research Review; American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Psychological Research; Journal of Sport Sciences; PLoS ONE; Frontier in Human Neuroscience; Perceptual and Motor Skills; Human Movement Sciences; Psychology of Sport & Exercise; Journal of Motor Behavior; Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology; The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, Journal of Sport Behavior; International Journal of Developmental Disabilities; Motor Control; Journal of Sport Behavior; Kinesiology; Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine; International Journal of Exercise Science; Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport; International Journal of Sport and Coaching Sciences; Sport Psychologist;
  1. 研究論文
  2. 共同研究者
  3. 学会発表
  4. メディア活動
  5. 著書