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  • Iwatsuki, T. & Van Raalte, J. L. (2024). Instructional Self-Talk, Performance, and Learning: Current Status and Future Directions. Review of Self-talk and Performance in Real-World Settings. In Thibodeaux, J, & Dickens, Y. American Psychological Association. (Link)
  • Iwatsuki, T., Bacelar, M. F. B., Yoshihara, S., Lohse, K., & Van Raalte, J. L. (Under Review). Effects of instructional and motivational self-talk: A meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/xp49f_v1?view_only=(PrePrint)
  • Mousavi, M. Dehghizade, J., & Iwatsuki, T. (2023). Neither too easy nor too difficult: Effects of different success criteria on motor skill acquisition in children. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. (Link)
  • Khalaji, Z., Alhosseini, M. N., Hamami, S. S., Iwatsuki, T., & Wulf, G. (2024). Optimizing motor learning in older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. (Link)
  • Iwatsuki, T., Hui-Ting, S., Abdollahipour, Z., & Wulf, G. (2021). More bang for the buck: Autonomy support increases muscular efficiency. Psychological Research.(Link)
  • Iwatsuki, T., Navalta, J., & Wulf, G. (2019). Autonomy enhances running efficiency. Journal of Sports Sciences.(Link)

本の章 (Link)

  1. Iwatsuki, T. & Van Raalte, J. L. (In Progress). Self-Talk: Enhancing Motivation and Sport Performance. Performance Psychology for Sport and Other Domains. In Martin, E., & Byrd, M. Kendall Hunt.
  2. Iwatsuki, T. (2025). Teaching Mental Skills. Becoming a Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Professional: A Global Perspective. In Friesen, A., Brusckner, S., & Tashman, L. Routledge.
  3. Iwatsuki, T. & Van Raalte, J. L. (2024). Instructional Self-Talk, Performance, and Learning: Current Status and Future Directions. Review of Self-talk and Performance in Real-World Settings. In Thibodeaux, J, & Dickens, Y. American Psychological Association. (Link)
  4. Iwatsuki, T. & Van Raalte, J. L. (2022). The Use of Self-Talk in Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks. Psychology of Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks. In Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. Routledge.(Link)

研究論文 (Link)

  1. Iwatsuki, T., Bacelar, M. F. B., Yoshihara, S., Lohse, K., & Van Raalte, J. L. (Under Review). Effects of instructional and motivational self-talk: A meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/xp49f_v1?view_only= (PrePrint)
  2. Mousavi, S. M., & Iwatsuki, T. (Under Review). Autonomy support mitigates the negative effect of stereotype threat on motor learning in children. Psychology of Women Quarterly. (Link)
  3. Mousavi, S. M., Salehi, H., & Iwatsuki, T. (Under Review). Mitigating the effects of stereotype threats: An attentional focus strategy in motor learning. Sex Roles. (Link)
  4. Slovák, L., Zahradník, D., Land, W. M., Sarvestan, J., Iwatsuki, T., & Abdollahipour, Z. (Under Review). External focus instructions optimize drop landing biomechanics in female volleyball players. Human Movement Science. (Link)
  5. Saemi, E. & Iwatsuki, T. (Under Review). Relatively easy criteria for success does not enhance intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy but improves motor learning. European Journal of Sport Science. (Link)
  6. Bacelar, M. F. B., Parma, J., Miller, M., Martin, E., Iwatsuki, T., & Simpson, T. (In Progress). Effect of instructional and motivational self-talk on motor learning: Neurophysiological approaches. (Link)
  7. Khalaji, Z., Alhosseini, M., & Iwatsuki, T. (In Progress). Optimizing motor learning in patients with multiple sclerosis. (Link)
  8. Mousavi, S. M., Ludvic, L., Maruo, K., & Abdollahipour, Z., Iwatsuki, T. (2024). Effects of stereotype threat on motor performance, cognitive anxiety, and gaze behavior: A cross-cultural study in Iran and Czech Republic. Cognitive Processing. (Link)
  9. Slovák, L., Panfilov, E., Zahradník, D., Nieminen, M., Land, W. M., Sarvestan, J., Iwatsuki, T., & Abdollahipour, Z. (2024). External focus of attention reduces cartilage load during drop landings. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. (Link)
  10. Iwatsuki, T. ., Andrew, A., Pierce, B. F., & Abdollahipour, Z. (2024). Superstition does not enhance motor performance and learning. Journal of Sport Behavior. (Link)
  11. Saucedo, F., Muir, I., Ambati, V. N. P., & Iwatsuki, T. (2024). Effects of positive and negative self-talk on balance and postural sway in college students. Journal of Kinesiology & Wellness. (Link)
  12. Khalaji, Z., Alhosseini, M. N., Hamami, S. S., Iwatsuki, T., & Wulf, G. (2024). Optimizing motor learning in older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. (Link)
  13. Slovák, L., Sarvestan, J., Svoboda, Z., Alaei, F., Zahradník, D., Iwatsuki, T., & Ataabadi, P. A. (2023). Upper limb biomechanics differences in volleyball spike in young female players. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching. (Link)
  14. Mousavi, S. M., Salehi, H., Iwatsuki, T., Velayati, F., & Deshayes, M. (2023). The effects of relatively long induction of negative gender stereotypes on motor skill learning in young adolescents. Sex Roles. (Link)
  15. Slovák, L., Sarvestan, J., Iwatsuki, T., Zahradník, D., Land, W. M., & Abdollahipour, Z. (2023). External focus of attention enhances arm velocities during volleyball spike in young female players. Frontier in Psychology. (Link)
  16. Mousavi, M. Dehghizade, J., & Iwatsuki, T. (2023). Neither too easy nor too difficult: Effects of different success criteria on motor skill acquisition in children. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. (Link)
  17. Mousavi, M. & Iwatsuki, T. (2022). Easy task and choice: Motivational interventions facilitate motor skill learning in children. Journal of Motor Learning and Development.(Link)
  18. Iwatsuki, T., Hagiwara, G., & Dugan, M. (2022). Effectively optimizing esports performance through movement science principles. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching.(Link)
  19. Hagiwaga, G., Kurita, K., Hachisuka, S., Warisawa, S., Iwatsuki, T., Mizuochi, M., & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. (2022). A development and preliminary validation of the brief version of the Japanese Academic and Athletic Identity Scale. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching.(Link)
  20. Iwatsuki, T., Hui-Ting, S., Abdollahipour, Z., & Wulf, G. (2021). More bang for the buck: Autonomy support increases muscular efficiency. Psychological Research.(Link)
  21. Iwatsuki, T. & Otten, M. (2021). Providing choice enhance motor performance under psychological pressure. Journal of Motor Behavior.(Link)
  22. Hagiwara, G., Funamori, H., Matsumoto, M, Akiyama, D., Iwatsuki, T. (2021). Relationships among athletic identity, mental health and social support in Japanese student-athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (Link)
  23. Hagiwara, G., Iwatsuki, T., Funamori, H., Matsumoto, M., Kubo, Y., Takami, S., Okano, H., & Akiyama, D. (2021). Effect of positive and negative ions in esports performance and arousal levels. Journal of Digital Life.(Link)
  24. Iwatsuki, T. & Regis, J. C. (2021). Relatively easy criteria for success enhances motor learning by altering perceived competence. Perceptual and Motor Skills.(Link)
  25. Hagiwara, G., Isogai, H., & Iwatsuki, T. (2020). Examining academic and athletic identity in Japanese collegiate student-athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport.(Link)
  26. Iwatsuki, T., Navalta, J., & Wulf, G. (2019). Autonomy enhances running efficiency. Journal of Sports Sciences.(Link)
  27. Chua, L., Katrina, D. M., Iwatsuki, T., Abdollahipour, Z., & Lewthwaite, R., & Wulf, G., (2019). Practice variability promotes an external focus of attention and enhances motor skill learning. Human Movement Science.(Link)
  28. Iwatsuki, T., Van Raalte, J. L., Brewer, B., Petipas, A., & Takahashi, M. (2018). Relations among reinvestment, self-regulation, and perception of choking under pressure. Journal of Human Kinetics.(Link)
  29. Van Raalte, J. L., Cornelius, A., Mullin, E., Brewer, W. B., Van Dyke, E., Johnson, A. J., & Iwatsuki, T. (2018). I will use declarative self-talk… or will I? Replication, extension, and meta-analyses. The Sport Psychologist. (Link)
  30. Iwatsuki, T., “Movement Efficiency Through Autonomy Support” (2018). University of Nevada, Las Vegas Dissertations. (Link)
  31. Wulf, G., Iwatsuki, T., Machin, B., Kellogg, J., Copeland, C., & Lewthwaite, R. (2018). Lassoing skill through learner choice. Journal of Motor Behavior. (Link)
  32. Iwatsuki, T., Abdollahipour, Z., Rudolf, P.,Lewthwaite, L., & Wulf, G. (2017). Autonomy facilitates repeated maximum force productions. Human Movement Science. (Link)
  33. Hagiwara, G., Iwatsuki, T., Isogai, H., Van Raalte, J. L., & Brewer, B. (2017). Relationship among sport helplessness, depression, and social supports with teammates among American student-athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sports. (Link)
  34. Iwatsuki, T., Takahashi, M., & Van Raalte, J. (2016). Effects of the intention to hit a disguised backhand drop shot on skilled tennis performance. International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching. (Link)
  35. Iwatsuki, T. & Wright, P. (2016). Relationship among movement reinvestment, decision-making reinvestment, and perceived choking under pressure. International Journal of Coaching Sciences. (Link)
  36. Iwatsuki, T., Van Raalte, J., Brewer, B., Petipas, A., & Takahashi, M. (2016). Psychological factors related to choking under pressure. International Tennis Federation Coaching and Sport Science Review. (Link)
  37. 岩月猛泰、高橋正測 (2014). テニスのバックハンドにおけるドロップショットの動作解析:バックハンドのスライスと比較して.テニスの科学. (Link)
  38. 岩月猛泰、高橋正測 (2012). コートサーフェス別のファーストサービスに着目した世界一流テニス選手のゲーム分析:ロジャー・フェデラー対ラファエル・ナダルの場合.テニスの科学. (Link)
  39. 岩月猛泰、高橋正測、渡部悟 (2011). 世界一流男子テニス選手におけるファーストサービスに着目したゲーム分析.桜門体育学会研究. (Link)
  40. 高橋正測、水上博司、鈴木理、金野潤、大嶽真人、佐藤秀明、近藤克之、岩月猛泰 (2009) 大学新入生の超音波法による骨密度と体力及び生活習慣との関係.桜門体育学会研究. (Link)
  1. 共同研究者
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  3. 学会発表
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