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Iwatsuki, T., Mousavi, S. M., Salehi, H., Velayati, F., & Deshayes, M. (2023). Effects of relatively long induction of negative gender stereotypes on motor skill learning in young adolescents. NASPSPA, Canada.
Iwatsuki, T. et al. (2022). Optimizing motor skill acquisition among older adults. NASPSPA, USA.
Iwatsuki, T., & Mousavi, M. (2021). Effect of autonomy and expectations for success on motor skill learning in children. NASPSPA. Online.
Iwatsuki, T., & Regis, J. C. (2020). Enhancing expectation through providing relatively easy criteria for success enhances motor learning. NASPSPA. Online.
Abdollahipour, Z., Iwatsuki, T., & Shih, H. (2019). Autonomy support enhances movement efficiency. Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society (ACNS), Australia.
Iwatsuki, T., & Otten, M. (2019). Providing choices enhances motor performance under psychological pressure. Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), USA.
応用スポーツ心理学学会スポーツ心理・身体学会博士課程の指導教官 Dr. Gabriele Wulf修士課程の指導教官 Dr. Judy L. Van RaalteとDr. Erika Van Duke